Situational Awareness for Novel Epidemic Response
0.1.0 - CI Build

Situational Awareness for Novel Epidemic Response - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

Transaction 2

This section describes the PUSH-TX of this guide. This transaction is used by the Measure Source and Measure Consumer actors.


The Produce Measure transaction allows an Measure Source to periodically report on availability of resources to a Measure Consumer.

Actors Roles

Figure 2.2-1: Produce Measure Use Case Diagram

Figure 2.2-1: Produce Measure Use Case Diagram

Table 2.2-1: Actor Roles
Measure Source Periodically generates data for a Measure Consumer.
Measure Consumer Collects data for reporting

Referenced Standards

Table 3.71.3-1: Referenced Standards
FHIR-R4HL7 FHIR Release 4.0
RFC-7230Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1
NDJSONNewline Delimited JSON


Figure 2.2-2: Produce Measure Interactions

Figure 2.2-2: Produce Measure Interactions

Push Measure

Trigger Event - Periodic Reporting Interval elapsed
Message Semantics
Expected Actions
Measure Source reports a Resource

The Measure Source creates resources and sends them to a Measure Consumer

When the API option is implemented, the Measure Source performs the FHIR create operation on the MeasureReport resource at a Measure Consumer. When the Dump option is implemented, the Measure Source writes the MeasureReport data to external storage specified by the Measure Consumer.

When the Group option is implemented, the Measure Source also generates Group resources. The Measure Source may be configured to disable generation of MeasureReport resources (e.g., when used to add Group capabilities to an existing server), but must be able to demostrate creation of the MeasureReport resources matching the Group.

The Measure Consumer Accepts Resource

When the API option is used, the Measure Consumer reports success using 200 OK, 201 Created, or 204 No Content to indicate a successful update. When the Dump option is used, the Measure Consumer reports success using the native protocols for the external storage subsytem.

When the Group option is implemented, the Measure Consumer also accepts Group resources.