Situational Awareness for Novel Epidemic Response
0.1.0 - CI Build

Situational Awareness for Novel Epidemic Response - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources that need to be complied with by conformant implementations

Audit Event Write Profile Defines constraints on the AuditEvent Resource to record when a resource has been written.
Audit Event Read Defines constraints on the AuditEvent Resource to record when a record has been accessed.
Saner Public Health Measure Profile Saner Public Health Measure The Public Health Measure Profile ensures that Measures are very well defined as an aid to automation of measures. These are developed by The Saner Project team to ensure that the measure is well understood and computation of it can be automated from systems that have the measure data.
Saner Public Health Measure Report Profile Saner Public Health Measure Report The Public Health Measure Report Profile ensures that MeasureReports conforms to the minimal content required to properly interpret a report of a Public Health Measure.
Saner Public Health Measure Stratifier Profile Saner Public Health Measure Stratifier A stratifier is effecitively a mixin that can be used with an existing measure to add stratification detail to that measure.
Resource Location Profile Defines constraints on the Location Resource describing the location of resources (Beds and Devices).
Supporting Device Profile Defines constraints on the Device Resource for data communicating about supporting devices.

Structures: Data Type Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR data types that need to be complied with by conformant implementations

MeasureCriteria Constraints on documentation for the evaluation of a Measure
Saner Measured Item Description A CodeableConcept describing the item to be counted in terms of the type of FHIR Resource to count, and subtype of item identified by that resource
Precise Date Time A dateTime value that contains seconds and a timezone

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types that need to be complied with by conformant implementations

Extension Attributes to associate with a Location Reference to simplify Geographic search This is essentially a database denormalization that facilitates search by Geographics coordinates on a location. It enables a FHIR Server to implement search on a MeasureReport by GeoLocation using an extension. The extension is purposefully designed to duplicate the existing [FHIR GeoLocation Extension]( in the hope that it could eventually be absorbed by that extension.
Attributes describing a group of measures Attributes describing the group of measures
Alternate criteria for performing a measure Provides Alternate criteria for performing a measure, (e.g., CQL, Drules, et cetera)

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming with this implementation guide

Bed Location Operational Status This Value Set is used to indicate whether a bed is in use (O), available for use (U), or not available (C) for use.
Location Types Codes used to locations
Bed Property This value set describes other properties of a bed, such as the ability to support isolation.
Bed Type This Value Set describes the types of care services that a bed can support.
C19HCC Confirmed COVID19 Infection **Purpose:** Clinical Focus: This value set contains conditions associated with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19. Data Element Scope: Used to identify patients with a confirmed COVID-19 infection. Inclusion Criteria: Conditions associated with confirmed COVID-19 infection, including laboratory-confirmed COVID (symptomic or asymptomatic). Exclusion Criteria: Suspected, possible or probable COVID-19, or possible exposure to COVID-19 without a definitive COVID-19 diagnosis.
C19HCC Hydroxychloroquine **Purpose:** Clinical Focus: This value set contains branded and non-branded hydroxychloroquine medications. Data Element Scope: Used to identify patients who had hydroxychloroquine as an active medication on their medication list or who were administered hydroxychloroquine during a hospitalization. Inclusion Criteria: Branded and non-branded medications with hydroxychloroquine as an ingredient. RxNorm term types: SCD\/GPCK, SBD\/BPCK, SCDG, BCDG, SCDC, BCDC, IN, PIN, BN. Exclusion Criteria: none
C19HCC SARSCoV2 Exposure **Purpose:** Clinical Focus: This value set contains conditions indicating the patient may have been exposed to SARS-CoV-2. Data Element Scope: To identify patients exposed or with a suspicion of exposure to SARS-CoV-2, whether associated with a suspicion of COVID-19 infection or not. Inclusion Criteria: Conditions indicative of possible exposure to SARS-CoV-2. Exclusion Criteria: : Conditions representing suspicion or confirmation of COVID-19.
C19HCC Suspected COVID19 Infection **Purpose:** Clinical Focus: Conditions indicative of a possible COVID-19 infection but no definitive COVID-19 diagnosis. Data Element Scope: Used to identify patients suspected to have COVID-19. Inclusion Criteria: Includes conditions indicative of a possible COVID-19 diagnosis. Exclusion Criteria: Conditions associated with a confirmed COVID-19 infection.
COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Codes for COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests
Confirmed COVID-19 Diagnosis Codes confirming COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Result
Confirmed COVID-19 Diagnosis Values Codes for result values confirming COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Result
Device Resource Field Names Field names in the Device Resource
ED or Overflow Locations Codes used for ED or Overflow locations
Resource Fields This value set describes fields used to stratify groups in a report
Measure Groups Measure Groups defined by the SANER Project
ICU Locations Codes used for ICU locations
Inpatient Locations Codes used for inpatient locations
Location Resource Field Names Field names in the Location Resource
Rate Aggregation Value Set This Value Set Identifies methods of rate aggregation
Measure Status Values Allowed Status Values for Saner Measures
Occupied Bed Codes used Occupied Beds
Patient Died Codes used to identify that a patient has died
Measure Populations Measure Populations defined by The SANER Project
Suspected Or Diagnosed COVID-19 Coded identifying suspected or confirmed COVID-19
Ventilator Devices Codes used for Ventilator Devices
Devices used for Ventilation with Tracheostomy Codes used for Devices that support Ventilation with a Tracheostomy

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming with this implementation guide

Saner Bed Type Coding System This Coding System fills gaps describing types of care services that a bed can support.
Device Resource Field Names This Coding System identifies legal field names in a FHIR R4 Device Resource.
Group System A Code System for Groups defined by The SANER Project
Location Resource Field Names This Coding System identifies legal field names in a FHIR R4 Location Resource.
Rate Aggregation Coding System This Coding System Identifies methods of rate aggregation
Population System A Code System for Populations defined by The SANER Project

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like

CDC Patient Impact and Hospital Capacity This measure demonstrates reporting on bed availability and use at a facility location based on CDC/NHSN reporting requirements.
ExampleNJ-20200404-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/04/2020
ExampleNJ-20200404-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/04/2020
ExampleNJ-20200405-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/05/2020
ExampleNJ-20200405-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/05/2020
ExampleNJ-20200406-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/06/2020
ExampleNJ-20200406-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/06/2020
ExampleNJ-20200407-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/07/2020
ExampleNJ-20200407-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/07/2020
ExampleNJ-20200408-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/08/2020
ExampleNJ-20200408-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/08/2020
ExampleNJ-20200409-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/09/2020
ExampleNJ-20200409-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/09/2020
ExampleNJ-20200410-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/10/2020
ExampleNJ-20200410-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/10/2020
ExampleNJ-20200411-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/11/2020
ExampleNJ-20200411-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/11/2020
ExampleNJ-20200412-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/12/2020
ExampleNJ-20200412-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/12/2020
ExampleNJ-20200413-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/13/2020
ExampleNJ-20200413-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/13/2020
ExampleNJ-20200414-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/14/2020
ExampleNJ-20200414-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/14/2020
ExampleNJ-20200415-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/15/2020
ExampleNJ-20200415-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/15/2020
ExampleNJ-20200416-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/16/2020
ExampleNJ-20200416-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/16/2020
ExampleNJ-20200417-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/17/2020
ExampleNJ-20200417-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/17/2020
ExampleNJ-20200418-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/18/2020
ExampleNJ-20200418-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/18/2020
ExampleNJ-20200419-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/19/2020
ExampleNJ-20200419-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/19/2020
ExampleNJ-20200420-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/20/2020
ExampleNJ-20200420-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/20/2020
ExampleNJ-20200421-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/21/2020
ExampleNJ-20200421-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/21/2020
ExampleNJ-20200422-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/22/2020
ExampleNJ-20200422-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/22/2020
ExampleNJ-20200423-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/23/2020
ExampleNJ-20200423-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/23/2020
ExampleNJ-20200424-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/24/2020
ExampleNJ-20200424-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/24/2020
ExampleNJ-20200425-CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity Example MeasureReport of CDCPatientImpactAndHospitalCapacity for NJ on 04/25/2020
ExampleNJ-20200425-FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting Example MeasureReport of FEMADailyHospitalCOVID19Reporting for NJ on 04/25/2020
FEMA Laboratory Orders and Results Daily Increase Reporting This measure demonstrates reporting about Daily Laboratory Testing at a inpatient test sites capturing laboratory orders and results daily increase and cumulative counts.
HAvBED2 to FHIR Concept Map This Concept Map provides mappings from terms used in the HAvBED2 specification to HL7 FHIR
NJ-DPH Example Organization for the New Jersey Department of Public Health
states-NJ Example Location for the State of New Jersey