Situational Awareness for Novel Epidemic Response
0.1.0 - CI Build

Situational Awareness for Novel Epidemic Response - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

Population System


Defining URL:
Title:Population System
Content:All the concepts defined by the code system are included in the code system resource

A Code System for Populations defined by The SANER Project

Publisher:HL7 International
Content Mode:Complete
Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

Population System

A Code System for Populations defined by The SANER Project

This code system defines the following codes:

numTotBeds All Hospital BedsTotal number of all Inpatient and outpatient beds, including all staffed,ICU, licensed, and overflow (surge) beds used for inpatients or outpatients
numBeds Hospital Inpatient BedsInpatient beds, including all staffed, licensed, and overflow (surge) beds used for inpatients
numBedsOcc Hospital Inpatient Bed OccupancyTotal number of staffed inpatient beds that are occupied
numICUBeds ICU BedsTotal number of staffed inpatient intensive care unit (ICU) beds
numICUBedsOcc ICU Bed OccupancyTotal number of staffed inpatient ICU beds that are occupied
numVent Mechanical VentilatorsTotal number of ventilators available
numVentUse Mechanical Ventilators in UseTotal number of ventilators in use
numC19Pats All COVID-19 Confirmed or Suspected PatientsPatients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 in any location.
numC19HospPats Hospitalized COVID-19 PatientsPatients currently hospitalized in an inpatient care location who have suspected or confirmed COVID-19
numC19OverflowPats ED/Overflow COVID-19 PatientsPatients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 who are in the ED or any overflow location awaiting an inpatient bed
numC19HOPats Hospital Onset COVID-19 PatientsPatients hospitalized in an NHSN inpatient care location with onset of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 14 or more days after hospitalization
numC19VentPats Ventilated COVID-19 PatientsPatients in any location who have suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and are on a mechanical ventilator
numC19MechVentPats Hospitalized and Ventilated COVID-19 PatientsPatients hospitalized in an NHSN inpatient care location who have suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and are on a mechanical ventilator
numC19OFMechVentPats ED/Overflow and Ventilated COVID-19 PatientsPatients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 who are in the ED or any overflow location awaiting an inpatient bed and on a mechanical ventilator
numC19Died COVID-19 Patient DeathsPatients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 who died in the hospital, ED, or any overflow location
totalOrdersIncrease New Diagnostic Tests Ordered/Received
totalOrders Cumulative Diagnostic Tests Ordered/Recieved
totalTestResultsIncrease New Tests Resulted
rejected Cumulative Specimens Rejected*
totalTestResults Cumulative Tests Performed
positiveIncrease New Positive COVID-19 Tests
positive Cumulative Positive COVID-19 Tests
allReports All Laboratory Reports for any Order
latestReports Most Recent Laboratory Reports for any Order
positiveIncreasePercent Percent Positive among Newly Resulted Tests
positivePercent Cumulative Percent Positive among Resulted Tests