Situational Awareness for Novel Epidemic Response
0.1.0 - CI Build

Situational Awareness for Novel Epidemic Response - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

Use Cases

The sections below describe the use cases supported by the Audacious Inquiry SANER Implementation Guide.

Use Case 1: Collecting Bed Measures

This use case addresses the exchange of data from Facilities to a Centralized reporting system for Public Health

This use case is supported by the following

Use Case 1: Collecting Bed Measures Process Flow

Overview TBD

Figure Use Case 1: Collecting Bed Measures Process Flow

Figure Use Case 1: Collecting Bed Measures Process Flow

  1. Measure Repository Initiates Search

    The Measure Repository identifies features associated with a group of bed or device resources that it wishes to collect data about. For example, the Measure Repository can request information about ICU, med/surg, or ED beds available or in use.


  2. Measure Source Reports Aggregate Data

    The Measure Source reports aggregate data about a group of beds or devices based on specified bed or device characteristics


Use Case 2: Reporting on A Measure


This use case is supported by the following

Use Case 2: Reporting on A Measure Process Flow


Figure Use Case 2: Reporting on A Measure Process Flow

Figure Use Case 2: Reporting on A Measure Process Flow

  1. User Initiates Search

    The Public Health User navigates to a web page where collected data is reported.


  2. Measure Consumer gathers data from one or Measure Sources

    The Measure Consumer gathers and aggregates data from one or more Measure Sources.

    The specific ordering in which gathering and aggregation is performed is not further specified by this implementation guide. It is shown as occuring after the user initiates the query here, but could have occured prior.

  3. Display Results

    The Measure Consumer displays an overview of aggregated regional results to the user, and additional links which enable navigation to finer grained or alternative displays.

    Data can be displayed as aggregated or fine-grained status information based on the current focus of the public health user. It may be shown as a map, a table, or a graph.

  4. User refines Focus or Form of Display

    The Public Health User selects a new form of display (e.g., Map, table or graph) or refines their focus (e.g., wider or smaller region).


  5. Display Refined Results

    The Measure Repository modifies the users focus and reporting format
